Weave Resources for
Assessment & Accreditation

Weave’s Mission is to Improve Student Learning. We are here to support the assessment and accreditation community in this work with resources from short IE Tips! videos to professional development events.

Simplify your process with the latest in software technology

Created by educators for educators, Weave’s accreditation software is uniquely designed for institutional effectiveness and empowers higher education leaders to prepare for their institutional and programmatic accreditations.

Why? Because we’ve been in your shoes.

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Download the brochure and see how to enable collaboration and help create a campus-wide culture of continuous improvement with Weave.

Hear from our community

Hear how your colleagues are using Weave to help improve their student learning.

"After working with the Weave software, its flexibility has allowed for innovation."

Jordan Day, Arkansas Tech University

"We chose Weave because the system was created by people who understand assessment."

Catherine M. Wehlburg, Ph.D., Texas Christian University

"Very helpful tool for assessment data management! We are also benefiting from the opportunity to build our strategic plans and program reviews as assessment projects."

Lisa B., Vice President for Academic Affairs

Want to Learn More?

Get a personalized demo of the Weave Solution.

You’ll see why 500+ institutions use Weave to streamline their accreditation, assessment, curriculum mapping, strategic planning, program review, and credentialing processes and improve the experience for everyone.