Institutional Effectiveness Toolkit

This Toolkit is a compilation of resources designed to assist higher education faculty and staff in the challenging task of assessing program and institutional effectiveness.

We encourage higher education professionals to share these resources with their peers. If you’d like to receive more content like this, sign up below.

Institutional Effectiveness Resources


Assessment 101: A Refresher on the Basics

Are you new to assessment, or could you use a refresher on some basics? Are you responsible for training your campus on assessment best practices? Then this webinar is for you!


Using Assessment Reports to Spark Change and Opportunity

Dr. Catherine Wehlburg, Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness at Texas Christian University, talks about how to use annual assessment reports to spark dialogue and create action plans to enhance student learning.


Assessment Techniques
in Student Affairs

In this webinar, Dr. Darby Roberts and Kelly Cox of Texas A&M University discuss the role of student affairs in assessment and how to document effectiveness in student affairs.


Preparing for the Upcoming
School Year: Summer Checklist
and Training Models

Have you started to prepare for the upcoming school year? Are you panicking about your endless to-do list? Don’t fear, Weave is here to help!


An In-depth Q&A Panel on Accreditation

This unique webinar is perfect for hearing answers to common questions, comparing notes and learning from peers working in assessment and accreditation.


Coordinating Program Reviews: What works? What doesn’t?

Dr. Catherine Wehlburg of Texas Christian University covers how to organize internal and external program reviews and how to overcome obstacles in the process.


A Simple Model for Learning Improvement

Dr. Keston Fulcher of James Madison University covers how to focus on and create a culture of learning improvement.


Moving Assessment from Compliance to Continuous Improvement

Join Mary Clark of Carteret Community College to learn how to create a positive cultural change around assessment at your institution.