Accreditation is All About Teaching & Learning w/ Linda Suskie
Most accreditation standards do not focus enough on teaching and learning. Accreditation, after all, is not about research but education.
In this episode, I interview Linda Suskie, higher education assessment consultant, about two areas accreditation can help improve: faculty professional development and course design.
Join us as we discuss:
- The need for institutions to provide adequate support to help faculty learn about teaching methods
- A four-column course syllabi designed to motivate students
- How higher ed should communicate about learning
- Listening to why students are going to college and addressing learning outcomes that matter
Check out these resources we mentioned during the podcast:
- Dee Fink course design resources
- Reframing Assessment to Center Equity (forthcoming in 2022)
- How to Measure Anything by Douglas Hubbard
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Linda Suskie
Linda Suskie is an internationally recognized consultant, writer, speaker, and educator on a broad variety of higher education assessment and accreditation topics. Her books include Assessing Student Learning: A Common Sense Guide, one of the best-selling books on assessment in higher education, and Five Dimensions of Quality: A Common Sense Guide to Accreditation and Accountability.
Linda worked seven years as a vice president at the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. Her higher education experience includes work in assessment, institutional research, strategic planning, and quality management.
Linda has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in assessment, educational research methods, writing, statistics, and developmental mathematics. She holds a bachelor’s degree in quantitative studies from Johns Hopkins University and a master’s in educational measurement and statistics from the University of Iowa.
Podcast Info
Host: Dr. Amy Dykens, Weave, CEO
Guest: Linda Suskie, Higher Education Assessment Consultant
Episode #: 2