Is engaging and enhancing faculty in effective assessment practices part of your role? Come join this interactive session where we will share and discuss some very practical strategies to teach effective assessment practices to faculty and other stakeholders. Find out about resources that will help you to be sure your culture of assessment is truly leading to the improvement of teaching and learning on your campus.
Anthony C. Marziliano
Director of Academic Assessment
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
St. John’s University
Ray Van Dyke, Ed.D., Weave Academy
Get Your Copy of the Assessment 101 Guide

Download the FREE guide, where you will find:
- 9+ practical assessment tips you can put into practice immediately
- Tactical steps to starting assessment, like mission statements, goals and outcomes
- How to clearly document your measures, outcomes and action plans
Download Now!
Your Guide to Institutional Effectiveness
The institutional effectiveness quest can be challenging without helpful tools. With Weave, you’ll get resources to guide you, like:
FREE Assessment and Accreditation Resources
Get the latest resources like eBooks, live and on-demand webinars, guides, checklists and articles.
See the Knowledge Center >
Weave Academy Curriculum and Courses
Get in-depth institutional effectiveness training and certification. Learn more >
Improvement Technology
Created for educators by educators, this software simplifies the process for both institutional and programmatic effectiveness. Request a demo >

Simplify Your Processes with the Latest in Assessment Software Technology.
Often the largest barrier to successful assessment is complexity. Too much data in too many places for too many reports. The solution? Simple and flexible processes for documentation and celebrating successes – with an easy-to-use assessment software system.
Eliminate Redundancy
Assessment data is often used for multiple purposes. When it’s in one system, users can create the reports they need with the pieces they want.
Achieve Assessment Buy-In
No more busy work! Increase quality with resources for assessment newbies, customized templates, and easy collaboration.
Streamline Processes
Complete assessment and reports for regional and programmatic accreditation, program review, and general education just one time. Comfortably standardize where needed but customize where necessary.
Save Time
Save time and headaches with an easy-to-use assessment software that is uniquely designed for higher education.
All-in-One Assessment & Accreditation Solution
Customized Language
Use the terminology that matches your process and programs. Create as many sets of language as you need, or just use one – it’s up to you!
All Types of Assessment
Course, program, department, administrative, co-curricular, general education – if you assess it Weave can house it.
Use strategic planning terminology and create plans for any level of the institution to track tactical actions and progress toward goals.

“Weave is a wonderful assessment tool and has EXTREMELY wonderful, knowledgeable, helpful and professional staff!!!!”
– Juliette Womack, Bishop State Community College
Let’s Chat Over Coffee,
Our Treat!

We’d love to meet you face-to-face (virtually of course) to hear about your successes and your challenges. We enjoy getting to know assessment professionals and talking shop!
We’ll even supply you a mug and bag of Starbucks® coffee shipped direct to your door for our 30-minute zoom meeting.
Hurry, this offer only lasts until May 12!
Book your virtual meeting now!