
Solving Accreditation Fatigue with Technology: A Case Study with CAHME

with Dr. Anthony Stanowski President and CEO Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management As our communities increase calls for accountability, higher education accreditation has more visibility than ever before. Thoughtfully deciding what standards indicate the quality of institutions and programs so that students, families, government officials, and employers know and believe in the quality of […]

CAS accreditation regional tips

CAS for Regional Accreditation: 3 Tips To Leverage

The Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) has promoted standards in student affairs, student services, and student development programs for over 20 years.CAS helps you create a culture of assessment while preparing you for regional accreditation. Your institution can leverage CAS to ensure an excellent review by using its program to focus on mission fulfillment, collect constructive data, and enact quality action plans for improvement.

Program Review 101

Program Review 101

Decades ago, setting up annual assessment plans to assess student learning outcomes was the focus of much of our work. As we move forward, we recognize the potential value of stepping back from that annual cycle to take a broader look at program effectiveness. It’s the view from 10,000 feet so to speak, and it allows us to take a less iterative look at how programs contribute to the overall mission of the school, as well as how students learn both inside and outside of the classroom.


A Review: Accreditation Struggle to Success

Are you involved in accreditation success for your institution? Wish you could hear from someone who’s been there? We talked with colleagues from three Texas community colleges about their accreditation struggles and success stories, and their challenges, successes, and surprises are useful to anyone working on this project.

Accreditation Process: 4 Year Countdown

The Accreditation Process: Your 4-Year Countdown

An accreditation event is one of the most enormous yet often invisible projects an institution undertakes. It is also imperative that it be done well, and if approached in the right way can yield some inspiring change. The entire process is an opportunity to shift the culture around assessment and accreditation at your institution. Sounds daunting? It can be, if you don’t have a comprehensive plan.