Typical Assessment and Evaluation Tools Are Too Standardized, Cumbersome, and Complex.
There’s a Better Way.
Higher education program evaluation is a critical component of institutional effectiveness, but each program is unique in its process. Without a technology solution, program review consists of unorganized reports in various formats with inconsistent sections. Other software platforms are rigid and unable to accommodate needed sections and customization.

Generate Consistent Reports with an All-In-One Program Review Platform.
Finding a solution with enough consistency yet flexibility can be a challenge. The solution? A straightforward yet customizable program review solution based on researched best practices that is actually sustainable over many years and different programs.
Your Assessment and Evaluation Solution
Support Annual and Comprehensive Periodic Reviews
Choose the cycle that fits your institution and which programs participate in each. Decide deadlines and milestones that work for you and your programs.
Live Easy-to-Read Reports
Inform various stakeholders with attractive reports that can easily be shared however you choose.
Support Along the Way
Access program review experts to assist in setup, rollout, and maintenance – including best practices and resources.

Want to be SMART with your learning outcomes?
Learn how to identify and articulate student learning outcomes.
On-Demand Webinar:
A Collaborative and Systematic Approach to Program Health
In this FREE webinar recording, you will learn how one institution:
- Created an efficient, data-driven process
- Shifted faculty perceptions
- Designed a process that resulted in continuous improvement
Watch Now!

“Weave is thinking deeply about useful assessment tools to help people advance learning!”
– Provost Rita Gulstad, Central Methodist University