Acceptable Use

Acceptable Use Policy

Last Updated: February 12, 2024

This Acceptable Use Policy (this “Policy”) describes prohibited uses of the hosted software solution, and related documentation, materials, and information (collectively, the “Weave Platform”) and the website located at (the “Site”). The examples described in this Policy are not exhaustive. We may modify this Policy at any time by posting a revised version on the Site. By using the Weave Platform or accessing the Site, you agree to the latest version of this Policy. If you violate the Policy or authorize or help others to do so, we may suspend or terminate your use of the Weave Platform.

Rules of Behavior for Weave Platform and/or Site Users

If you are a user of the Weave Platform and/or the Site, you agree to follow certain Rules of Behavior, as set forth in this section. If you are a Weave Platform and/or Site User, you agree:

  • You must conduct only authorized business on the system.
  • You must safeguard system resources against waste, loss, abuse, unauthorized use or disclosure, and misappropriation.
  • You must not process U.S. classified national security information on the system.
  • You must not use social media/networking sites to post organizational information on public websites.
  • You must not browse, search, or reveal information hosted by Weave except in accordance with that which is required to perform your legitimate tasks or assigned duties.
  • You must not retrieve information, or in any other way disclose information, for someone who does not have authority to access that information.
  • You must ensure that Web browsers use Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.1 (or higher). TLS must use a minimum of 128-bit encryption.
  • You must ensure that your web browser is configured to warn about invalid site certificates.
  • You must ensure that web browsers warn if the user is changing between secure and non-secure mode.
  • You must ensure that your web browser window used to access systems owned by Weave is closed before navigating to other sites/domains.
  • You must ensure that your web browser checks for a publisher’s certificate revocation.
  • You must ensure that your web browser checks for server certificate revocation.
  • You must ensure that your web browser checks for signatures on downloaded files.
  • You must ensure that your web browser empties/deletes temporary Internet files when the browser is closed.


Your level of access to the Weave Platform and Site are limited to ensure your access is no more than necessary to perform your legitimate tasks or assigned duties. If you believe you are being granted access that you should not have, you must immediately notify Weave at

  • Confidentiality: When using the Weave Platform and Site, you must maintain the confidentiality of your authentication credentials such as your password. Do not reveal your authentication credentials to anyone; a Weave employee should never ask you to reveal them.
  • Procedure: When using the Weave Platform and Site, you must follow proper logon/logoff procedures. You must manually login to your session; do not store your password locally on your system or utilize any automated logon capabilities. You must promptly logout when session access is no longer needed. If a logout function is unavailable, you must close your browser. Never leave your computer unattended while logged into the system.
  • Federal Law: Your access to the Weave Platform and Site is governed by, and subject to, all federal laws, including, but not limited to, the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a, if the applicable Weave system maintains individual Privacy Act information. Your access to Weave systems constitutes your consent to the retrieval and disclosure of the information within the scope of your authorized access, subject to the Privacy Act, and applicable state and federal laws.

No Illegal, Harmful, or Offensive Use or Content

You may not use, or encourage, promote, facilitate, or instruct others to use, the Weave Platform or Site for any illegal, harmful, fraudulent, infringing or offensive use, or to transmit, store, display, distribute or otherwise make available content that is illegal, harmful, fraudulent, infringing or offensive. Prohibited activities or content include:

  • Illegal, Harmful or Fraudulent Activities. Any activities that are illegal, that violate the rights of others, or that may be harmful to others, our operations or reputation, including disseminating, promoting, or facilitating child pornography, offering or disseminating fraudulent goods, services, schemes, or promotions, make-money-fast schemes, ponzi and pyramid schemes, phishing, or pharming.
  • Infringing Content. Content that infringes or misappropriates the intellectual property or proprietary rights of others.
  • Offensive Content. Content that is defamatory, obscene, abusive, invasive of privacy, or otherwise objectionable, including content that constitutes child pornography, relates to bestiality, or depicts non-consensual sex acts.
  • Harmful Content. Content or other computer technology that may damage, interfere with, surreptitiously intercept, or expropriate any system, program, or data, including viruses, Trojan horses, malware, ransomware or malicious code, worms, time bombs, or cancelbots.

No Security Violations

You may not use the Weave Platform or Site to violate the security or integrity of any network, computer or communications system, software application, or network or computing device (each, a “System”). Prohibited activities include:

  • Unauthorized Access. Accessing or using any System without permission, including attempting to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of a System or to breach any security or authentication measures used by a System.
  • Unauthorized Interfaces. Establishing any unauthorized interfaces between systems, networks, and applications owned by Weave.
  • Interception. Monitoring of data or traffic on a System without permission.
  • Falsification of Origin. Forging TCP-IP packet headers, e-mail headers, or any part of a message describing its origin or route. The legitimate use of aliases and anonymous remailers is not prohibited by this provision.

No Network Abuse

You may not make network connections to any users, hosts, or networks unless you have permission to communicate with them. Prohibited activities include:

  • Monitoring or Crawling. Monitoring or crawling of a System that impairs or disrupts the System being monitored or crawled.
  • Denial of Service (DoS). Inundating a target with communications requests so the target either cannot respond to legitimate traffic or responds so slowly that it becomes ineffective.
  • Intentional Interference. Interfering with the proper functioning of any System, including any deliberate attempt to overload a system by mail bombing, news bombing, broadcast attacks, or flooding techniques.
  • Operation of Certain Network Services. Operating network services like open proxies, open mail relays, or open recursive domain name servers.Avoiding System Restrictions. Using manual or electronic means to avoid any use limitations placed on a System, such as access and storage restrictions.

No E-Mail or Other Message Abuse

You will not distribute, publish, send, or facilitate the sending of unsolicited mass e-mail or other messages, promotions, advertising, or solicitations (like “spam”), including commercial advertising and informational announcements. You will not alter or obscure mail headers or assume a sender’s identity without the sender’s explicit permission. You will not collect replies to messages sent from another internet service provider if those messages violate this Policy or the acceptable use policy of that provider.

Our Monitoring and Enforcement

We reserve the right, but do not assume the obligation, to investigate any violation of this Policy or misuse of the Weave Platform or Site. We may:

  • investigate violations of this Policy or misuse of the Weave Platform or Site; or
  • remove, disable access to, or modify any content or resource that violates this Policy or any other agreement we have with you for use of the Weave Platform or Site.

We may report any activity that we suspect violates any law or regulation to appropriate law enforcement officials, regulators, or other appropriate third parties. Our reporting may include disclosing appropriate customer information. We also may cooperate with appropriate law enforcement agencies, regulators, or other appropriate third parties to help with the investigation and prosecution of illegal conduct by providing network and systems information related to alleged violations of this Policy.

Reporting of Violations of this Policy

You must report all security incidents or suspected incidents (e.g., lost passwords, improper or suspicious acts) related to the Weave Solution or Site to Weave. To report any incident or violation of this Policy, please contact us at:

Policy Agreement: 

By your electronic acceptance (such as by clicking an acceptance button on the screen) you must agree to the rules set forth in this Policy.

You understand that any person who obtains information from a computer connected to the Internet in violation of their employer’s computer-use restrictions is in violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.

You agree to contact Weave if you do not understand this Policy or any of the rules contained in this Policy